6 Simple Steps to UNPUSH Your Life

UnPush is my word of 2019 and it’s a biggie.

I define UnPush as setting an intention and letting go of the “how”, staying out of what other people “should” do, setting aside time to rest and play, as well as work.

To learn how UnPush evolved for me over the course of 2018, go here for UnPush Relationships and here for UnPush Health.

UnPush is how I'm choosing to live this year. To me, UnPush is about setting an intention and letting go of how it will be accomplished. My job is to dream big and stay awake for opportunities that guide me toward my dreams. Do you choose a word of the year?

Here’s my UnPush model :

  1. Unplug from the noise. Everyone else’s opinion, blogs, advice, outrage, all the outside stuff. You can’t create authentically when you’re not looking inward.

  2. Name your fear. What are the thoughts keeping you from acting authentically? Write them down and examine them.

  3. Practice intention. Ask yourself “What is my intention in this situation?” or, said another way, “Who do I want to be in this moment?”

  4. Unattach from the outcome. We can’t know what’s going to happen in 5 minutes or 50 years. We drive ourselves crazy trying to predict and live from the future. Take a big breath and let go of everything but now.

  5. Shift your focus to what ONE thing you could do that feels like love and aligns with your intention.

  6. Heart center. Check in with your heart and stay true to LOVE. Keep asking: “What would love do in this moment?”

To learn how to apply the UnPush model to your life, click below for a free UnPush Your Life call.